Durable Powers of Attorney & Healthcare Directives
Durable Powers of Attorney.
This document is used to appoint a person to make business and financial decisions for you if you become incapacitated for whatever reason. Hill Innovative Law can work with you to appoint a representative to manage your assets, make financial decisions on your behalf, and sign legal documents if you are no longer able to do so.
Without a Power of Attorney, even a spouse would need to file a court petition to make decisions about assets held in an incapacitated spouse’s name, pay bills from a spouse’s account, or even to sell a house owned as joint tenants.
Advance Directive for Healthcare.
Hill Innovative Law can assist you in the creation of an advance directive for health care that instructs others concerning the degree to which you wish to receive medical care if you are incapacitated. Such documents are commonly known as living wills when they prohibit medical treatments or procedures that prolong life in an undesirable way.
Without an Advance Directive for Health Care, there are restrictions on the health care decisions friends and relatives can make for you.
The court may be required to appoint a Guardian to make these decisions on your behalf. Court hearings can be costly, and are usually public. It is best to avoid a time-consuming court hearing when timely medical decisions are crucial.